Garden Clippings

As part of their studies in our Horticulture programs our students prepare fact sheets called “Garden Clippings”, which give you basic maintenance information for various plants, as well as the history behind some of our leafy friends.

Questions? Our library will grow so please check back from time to time. If you have questions please feel free to contact the Greenhouse and we will be happy to share information with you.

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Poisonous Outdoor Plants of Ontario

Type: General Advice

Even though most plants are thought to be decorative and harmless, a few are potentially dangerous, even flowers that we see in our gardens. This is a list of some common poisonous plants of Southern Ontario and their effects on humans

Primula (primrose)

Type: Perennial

Primroses are the best of the pot plants that flower all winter and spring. Not many flowers display such an array of colours and are as generous with their gift of bloom over several weeks as the primrose.

Reducing Transplant Shock in Outdoor Plants

Type: General Advice

Transplant shock is environmental stress (inadequate water and roots, excessive heat, etc.) on the plant after transplanting, which causes wilt, leaf drop, and stunted growth. Some signs of transplant shock are early leaf colouring, yellow leaves, and overall stunted growth.

Regal Geranium

Type: Seasonal

Regal geraniums are among the most colourful and attractive of all geraniums. Few flowers in nature provide such a diverse palette of colours, and if the conditions are right, they can produce blooms from spring to fall.

Reliable Plants for Ponds

Type: Pond

Finding plants that will do well in a pond can be hard. Some pond plants without the proper care will die very quickly. Water lettuce, water hyacinth and water lilies are three very reliable plants to use in your pond.

Rudbeckia fuldiga (Goldsturm)

Type: Perennial

The name ‘Goldsturm’ means “gold storm” in English. This plant was discovered in 1937 by Heinrich Hagemann, who observed a glorious stand of Rudbeckia fuliga sullivantii at Gebrueder Schuetz’s nursery in the Czech Republic.

Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)

Type: Perennial

The species is native to Afghanistan, the western Himalayas and Tibet. A member of the mint family, it has squared stems, is aromatic and is called sage for its relation to the culinary sages.

Saving Seeds

Type: General Advice

One of the best reasons to save seeds is so that you can share them with friends and neighbours and, of course, have them for your own garden next Spring!


Type: Perennial

Sedums are considered Old World treasures and are associated with mythology. In ancient Scandinavia, they were called “Thor’s Helper” and were believed to drive off demons and guard homes if planted on roofs.

Shrubs to Add Texture

Type: Tree or Shrub

When selecting a shrub, make sure the Winter appearance is also considered. A plant that looks fine in leaf could have a dark, corky bark and a wild branching habit to make it look coarse.

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